How to Adapt to New Technologies — TechVirtuosity

Brandon Santangelo
4 min readApr 20, 2019
[Copyright : Antonio Guillem] ©

Understanding the Future of Society

Years ago it would have been easy to brush off any new tech that enters the workplace. Maybe you appreciated the advancements being made, or you were one of those who hated the sight of computers. Some might argue that it used to be easier before computers, but no matter what your view is, technology isn’t going away. It’s simply something that none of us can entirely avoid, but the struggles don’t have to exist! If you happen to be someone or know someone struggling, here are some tips on how to adapt to new technologies!

New Technologies and Social Media

One of the first steps to getting out there is to realize that social media exists. Even if you didn’t create any accounts, your pictures may already be online if someone else took them for you. You can’t really avoid it but it’s important to understand the different platforms out there. Some of them also have different purposes or risks associated with them. So here’s a short list of them!

  • Facebook: Used for sharing life events, photos, stories or seeing other people’s interests and posts.
  • Pinterest: Best for sharing photos or short ideas like recipes or tips.
  • Tumblr: Great for artists or passionate people looking to create originality.
  • Twitter: A source for sharing short comments or links to a bigger post.
  • YouTube: Great for documentaries or sharing your ideas through audio and video.
  • LinkedIn: Great for professional connections and idea sharing.

There are several more out there but those are some of the bigger and more popular platforms. The trick on how to adapt to new technologies, is to stay relevant by making profiles on some of those sites. If you are looking to improve your professional appearance, LinkedIn is a great one to have.

Try New Devices Before Purchasing

One problem that exists for many who struggle with technology, is that they don’t try it out first. After all, figuring out how to adapt to new technologies is best with hands on experiences. This is true especially with smartphones and the different companies out there. An iPhone is created by Apple whereas most other phones run on Android, which is by Google. This is important because iPhone and Android use different operating systems which have different features. Another thing to try out first, would be computers. Microsoft in the past has released new Windows versions that would confuse a lot of new users. But let’s say you can’t try a new product out before purchasing it, then what?

Read Reviews

The second best thing to actually trying a product is reading a review about it. Amazon and several other stores or sellers offer reviews from people who own the products. If there are a lot of complaints then it’s unlikely that you would have a great experience. Likewise, if the product has a lot of great reviews then you can probably have a great experience yourself. Always read reviews when you can, even if you are able to try it out for yourself. Some products start out great but then break down later on, and reviews will tell you this now and then.

The Right Mindset to Have

No matter how easy or difficult a technology can be, you will always struggle if you have a bad mindset. Anyone who starts off with the negatives will without a doubt, struggle with it. New devices or software can be confusing and getting mad at it won’t help anyone. We should always approach new things with a willingness to learn. In most cases, you’ll learn how to use it and you’ll never look back. But far too often people will get upset and end up damaging the device, or messing up the settings. Believe me, technology can be fragile! How will learn how to adapt to new technologies with a bad attitude? Even software can have settings messed up easily, if someone gets frustrated. This will make things harder in the long run!

Where Companies Need to Take Responsibility

Sometimes a company is the one at fault. Let’s say you are struggling to understand and learn a new device or software. As time goes by you keep trying but it’s still difficult to use. The companies behind the products need to design easy to read and understand technologies. Without a proper user interface to navigate, it can be nearly impossible to benefit from using that product. This is where companies need to simplify things for all users, for both the younger and older users. Navigation should be simplified for skilled or new users as well. Luckily, you should notice if it’s easy to learn based on the online reviews!

Final Tips on How to Adapt to New Technologies

It can be difficult to get out there and start embracing new tech in general. Whether it’s software or new devices, there can be struggles. It can be difficult learning how to adapt to new technologies in a world revolving around them. Also be sure to learn about online language, it’ll help you to look more professional in your emails or messages in general. Hopefully this has helped you and feel free to drop any comments or suggestions to help others out!

Originally published at on April 20, 2019.



Brandon Santangelo

I'm a writer, blogger, technician and software developer. Writing is my passion that I do on the side. I love all things technology.